Gotcha Last

Do you remember playing tag when you were a kid? Running around the school yard or park or even in the street in your neighborhood? One kid was "IT" and when he or she caught up to another kid and tagged him or her, would yell out "You're IT!" If you played in the early evening into dusk, some parents would decide it was time for you to come home and shout your name into the night, "Bobby it's time to come in now", or "Linda. Time's up! Come on in!" Fun times.

When my cousin came over for a visit, or when we visited them by car we played a slight variation of the tag game. Just before hopping into the car to return home one of us would tag the other and say "Gotcha last" before running to the safety of the car. Still that didn't mean you were safe enough. You could get tagged while in the car. Then you'd jump out and continue the game. There were many "Gotcha last" before the car would drive off with one of us tagged LAST. Fun days indeed.

Now I'm 73 and still playing Tag. These Tags are a little different. In their own way they too are FUN. And they’re for a good cause. Just reach out and tag one here:


Here’s a bit about Mitchell - one of our great artists…


A note about our stainless steel attachment loops