Our mission and a bit about why …

The inspiration for creating art luggage tags evolved from an incident in 2021 that permanently changed my life. I was 70 years old in relatively good health and was setting out on a sunny warm November day for a bicycle ride. But it was not to be.

My entire right leg became weak before I could even begin riding and I couldn’t lift it over my bike to start pedaling. So too my right arm was feeling numb. A similar situation had happened months earlier but passed after several minutes and I was able to ride. Not this time. By the end of the day I was in Lions Gate Hospital and wouldn’t be coming home to my wife and two daughters for a few weeks. A Stroke! And here I am almost three years later with only semi-functioning mobility on my right side. 

However it has been an amazing three years of support - emotionally and physically. From family and friends, from the medical profession and rehab sessions, to programs in the community that have been put in place to help people like me. 

Physically I doubt I’ll be able to work again but in 2024 I was mentally well enough to give back for all the help I had received - but  in what manner I wasn’t quite sure. I had always loved traveling and had always appreciated art - especially the talent of others who could create art (a talent I lack). But how could these interests help others?

Eventually it clicked that maybe I could help artists who could use some assistance to promote their works and in a roundabout way the result was to transfer smaller versions of their original designs onto luggage tags. It took a few months but collaboration agreements were confirmed, and in May 2024 this website launched, with all artists receiving 20% of each tag sold that bears their designs. 

These art tags are truly unique and anyone would be proud owning them!

Please visit the artists’ links when you shop to see the artist in person and more of their works.

My intention is to promote these artists and many more to follow, and all their works throughout the world.

And who am I? I’m Mark Charland and if you have any questions please contact me via the Tag911.net Contact form. Thank you.


We all know art can make us feel good …


Introducing our multi-talented artist Rande Cook