We all know art can make us feel good …

Art has been used as a means of expressing and communicating emotions throughout human history, and engaging with art can be a powerful tool for self-discovery. The original artwork of the designs we chose to grace our tags can be found at the artist's link on the Shop pages and some of the full-size artworks are available for sale, but of course at much higher prices. And even if they are within your price range, it's simply not possible to carry them around with you. They'll be put up on a wall somewhere which you'll view from time to time.

Whatever emotions that are triggered within you when viewing these larger designs will be re-awakened when seeing the smaller versions represented on our luggage tags. The big differences, besides size and price, is accessibility and sharing. Attaching an art tag to items you use on a more daily basis like gym bags, attache cases, satchels, and lunch boxes has therapeutic benefits for yourself and others who are also engaged by the tags. Spread the happiness and choose some of our tags for you and your friends!


It’s back to school time …


Our mission and a bit about why …